Experimental investigation of tool wear TiAlN(Al2O3)/TiN-coated carbide in the cam-shaft turning process

This research carried out experimental tests to determine the tool life and wear of Titanium Aluminum Nitride and Titanium Nitride-coated carbide tools (TiAlN/Al2O3 & TiN) during the hard facing process of cam shaft material turning. The results of this study will be used as a parameter for selecting carbide cutting tools in Teaching Factory (TEFA) activities. In the cutting process, the parameters used are VC = 36,74 m/min, f = 0,52 mm/rev, a = 0,2 mm, t = 460 min; and the cutting conditions are wet turning. The results showed that the TiAlN/ Al2O3-coated carbide tool experienced tool wear at the 100th minute with a VB value of 0,33 mm, while the TiN-coated carbide tool experienced tool wear at the 200th minute with a VB value of 0,30 mm. Theoretically, tool life for turning process conditions was analysed by graphical method in order to obtain the Taylor equation for TiAlN/Al2O3 coated carbide tools with an exponent value of n = 0,8 and a CT constant = 1.462,65 so that the Taylor tool life equation is V.Tn = CT ↔ V.T0,8 = 1.462,65. The results of the TiN carbide tool life test showed that the exponent n = 0,6 and CT constant = 882,59 so that the Taylor tool life equation is V.Tn = CT ↔ V.T0,6 = 882,59. Failure of TiAlN/Al2O3 and TiN-coated carbide tools on hard-processed cam shaft material cutting to face edge wear (VB), crater wear (KA), peeling of the tool material layer, and formation of built-up edge (BUE). The experimental test results of TiAlN/Al2O3 and TiN-coated carbide tools on the cutting of cam shaft material using a hard facing process show TiN carbide tools have a longer tool life than TiAlN/Al2O3, so they are recommended for Teaching Factory (TEFA) activities at Simas Berau Polytechnic.

Penelitian ini dipelopori oleh Dosen dan instruktur Program Studi Perawatan Mesin yaitu Arfan Halim, S.T., M.T, Ilmawan Suryapradana, S.T., M.T  dan Dedy, S.  
